Okay, we all want to be "educated" and for most of us education means going to school right? But it seems too much studying is bad because you are really learning what someone else has already perfected, so why not pick a new field and be the expert of it/ be the einstein of that field. Let's take into consideration the following scriptures: PROVERBS 17:16- it does a fool no good to spend money on education, because he has no common sense. ECCLESCIATES 12:12- and my child, there is something else to watch out for. There is no end to writing of books, and too much study will wear you out. This doesn't mean all studying is bad. Hey, we study to gain more knowledge to better our future. And yes i am studying for the money not for the fun of it. After being okay with the job it's when i will perfect my field of interest to bring about change. Of course you dont need to be studying first to bring about change, you can use that idea you have right now to make a diff...
From a young, black, South African girl's point of view rose these thoughts and opinions. Just sit back, relax and enjoy!